Evolution of the Dark Manor Doll

Doll Evolution

That title seems so lofty and stuff, but it’s honestly the best way to describe what I’ve been thinking about. I’ve been looking back a lot lately. At all my work over the past year – it’s been about a year and a half since I started sculpting – and the changes and progress I see in my work are so encouraging. And important. I think the only way to become great at something is to never be completely satisfied with what you’ve created. You’ve got to always be pushing yourself to make something even better each time.

As you know by now, Dark Manor Dolls are unique from most other dolls in that they don’t have mouths. This has always bothered some people (I’ve had people beg me to add mouths!!), creeped others out, and delighted others. And I’ve had lots of people ask me about it. I usually give some long answer about how I enjoy the fact that it looks a little creepy and that it reminds me of old rag dolls, but the honest truth is that it just sort of happened. I made a doll and left off the mouth. That’s it. And I kind of liked it. So I kept making them that way. But in the back of my mind I knew that eventually I’d try making a doll WITH a mouth. At least once. And that’s what I did this week.

I was super nervous, since I basically have no experience making mouths, and I did have to start over a few times, but eventually they came out ok. So what do you think? Do you think all Dark Manor Dolls should now have little mouths on them? I’d love to hear your thoughts!!



2 Replies to “Evolution of the Dark Manor Doll”

  1. I think that the evolution is beautiful! The mouth looks like it belongs there just in the same way that the dolls without mouths look perfect. I don’t think that adding in the mouth makes it look like any less of a Dark Manor doll, she’s just a different type. I say if you feel like adding in a mouth on a particular doll then go for it!

    1. Thank you so much!! It’s so encouraging to hear that 🙂 And I agree, I don’t think the mouth looks out of place. But I also think they look good without, so I guess for now I’ll just let the dolls tell me what they want me to sculpt!!

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