The Voiceless Children

About a week ago I wrote a post introducing my new doll. Up until now all of my dolls have had a single trademark: the absence of a mouth. As I said in my previous post, this was something that just sort of happened and something I came to like. But I’ve often tossed around the idea of adding mouths. Curious to see what it would look like I gave it a try on my Steampunk doll, Clementine. And the result was pretty great. I started considering making it a regular thing by adding mouths to all of my dolls from here on out. When I asked you guys what you thought I was surprised. Most of you agreed: the mouth looked great, but you liked that my dolls are unique and felt that I should continue with the absence of mouths. I’ve thought a lot about this and I’ve decided that you’re right. Mouths aren’t necessary. I may add one from time to time just for fun, but for the most part Dark Manor Dolls will not have mouths.

I’ve had many people say such kind things about my dolls. I’ve had people say that without the mouth it really draws attention to their eyes. And many people have told me what expressive eyes they have. One artist recently told me my dolls remind her that words aren’t always necessary. And one man once said of my dolls, ” With no mouths to speak, they teach patience through the weariness in their eyes.”

I’m so humbled by all of your kind words and encouragement. Humbled that I get to be the creator of such sweet little beings – beings that remind us not everyone has a voice, nor is a voice always necessary. And so I’ve decided to continue to create these unique dolls and as well that from here on out my mouthless dolls will be called The Voiceless.