Where to Buy My Dolls

I wanted to give you guys a quick update on where you can purchase my dolls. I have an Etsy shop where I’ve been selling my work for about 4 years now. Up until now I’ve been pretty pleased with their platform, but I always knew that eventually I would step away from Etsy and sell my dolls on my own site. Etsy has recently made some updates that I’m not too pleased with so it got me thinking once again about selling my dolls directly here on my website. I feel that Dark Manor Dolls has grown up enough that I’m ready to begin stepping out on my own; it just feels like it’s time to start making that shift.

So here’s the plan Continue reading “Where to Buy My Dolls”

New Doll, New Direction

Wow, it has been way too long since my last blog entry.

(Dusts website off)

A lot has happened over the last year – yes it’s been almost a year since my last post (yikes!!). Mostly lots of stressful stuff regarding my family, our home, and our personal finances – and all of that stress has made it difficult to find as much time as I used to for doll making, let alone blogging. But I’m here now to say hello!! Continue reading “New Doll, New Direction”